Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Quizzes on Medieval Europe

Important Dates in Medieval History

Ten Questions

1. The Magna Carta, or Great Charter, was written in ______ by barons who were seeking to restrain the power of King John of England.

2. Charlemagne, the founder of the great Carolingian Empire, was crowned emperor on Christmas day in ______.

3. William the Conquerer invaded England in what is known as the Norman Conquest and fought the Battle of Hastings in ______.

4. "The Condemnation of ______," issued from the University of Paris, condemned many innovative theological concepts, including several written by the noted Medieval theologian, Thomas Aquinas.

5. The "Concordat of Worms" put an end to the investiture controversy in ______.

6. In ______, Pope Nicholas II decreed that the college of cardinals would have exclusive rights in electing new popes, thereby freeing the papacy from secular control.

7. Though ______ is often credited with being the year of the "Great Schism," historians now argue that the separation between East and West was an ongoing process that began way before this year and lasted long after.

8. The "Black Death" moved through Europe between _____ and _____.

9. In ______, the Fourth Lateran Council, convened by Pope Innocent III, revised the theology of the Eucharist to follow more closely with the philosophy of Aristotle. The same council also put a momentary ban on new monastic rules, advising new orders to adopt older customs.

10. In ______, Constantinople was captured by the Turks. More importantly, however, this is also the year after Gutenberg invented movable type, thereby allowing for the wide-spread circulation of books.

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