"What is now proved was once, only imagin'd." — William Blake

David W. Robinson, Ph.D.

Professor of English & Comparative Literature
Department of Literature & Philosophy

3303 Newton Bldg.     dwrob@georgiasouthern.edu
The Flaming One-Eyed WebCam
One-Eyed-Man Cam

Microsoft Or Bust!

Alice Cooper, "School's Out For Summer"

For Current Students:

Fall 2007 Classes

Syllabus for ENGL 2111 NET/WEB -- World Literature I

Welcome Message to Online ENGL 2111 Students

Using Java

If you are taking a class of mine that involves online chats, you should make sure that Java is installed on your computer. I won't offer support for the installation of the Java runtime below, but if you possess the required knowledge and skills, here is the Windows binary installer for your convenience. I make no claim or warranty that the installation of this software won't cause your computer to lose some or all of its data, to turn into a pineapple, or to explode.

Java J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 6 for Windows

I used to link here to Amazon's page for my interview book, but over the years the code stopped working.


Scholarly Directions:


Pictured together here for the first time and to their mutual alarm, these literary scholars deserve my gratitude for the shaping influence they had on my intellectual outlook and critical practice. Hazard Adams was my teacher and dissertation director; as for the others, I learned from them through their writings, lectures, and conference repartee.

Hazard Adams
Hugh Kenner (1923-2003)
Fritz Senn

Jacques Derrida 1930-2004
Remembrance on NPR / Photo from http://fixion.sytes.net/pardonEng.htm

What I Did With My Computer Last Summer:

Employment History:

I was originally trained as a theorist of British modernism. Then I was hired at GSU as a comparatist. But I was really working as a Germanist.
Now the Comp-Lit program is in other hands, and I seem to be turning into a technical editor.

Selected Publications:

Academic Books Technical Books Academic Articles

Hotline to Wisdom:

The One-Eyed Man Oracle for Literary Scholars. Click on the button to see what you should do today.
Copyright 1999 by David Robinson. Back by popular demand, salvaged from the defunct department Web page. TERMS OF USE: Users of the Oracle must be prepared to display a working sense of humor on request. Faculty and administrators of the Georgia Southern Department of Literature and Philosophy may not use the Oracle without prior written permission by the author. Users may not contradict the Oracle or criticize its author either verbally or in writing. Pronouncements by the Oracle are protected from casual view by means of the "Click-Thru" security system. By clicking the "Speak, Oracle" button, the user accepts the terms herein stated. Violation of these terms, including defeat of "Click-Thru" security, will be prosecuted under the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

About the Hardware (since you asked . . . )


These Web pages are hosted on a Hewlett Packard Netserver LH Plus. It is big. It is loud. It is ugly. It drives non-geeks from my presence. Specs: Dual Pentium-II 300 MHz processors, 314 MB RAM, six front-mounted SCSI drives. Operating system: Debian Linux (Sarge). As host ogeechee.litphil.georgiasouthern.edu, it resides in my Georgia Southern office. (PHPsysinfo)

The Raq

My IRC server is a Cobalt Raq2. (I just have one, not a stack of them.) Specs: 250 MHz MIPS RISC processor, 256 MB RAM, 40 GB IDE hard drive. Thin, blue, glows in the dark. Operating system: Debian Linux (Sarge). It lives on my home network as part of oneeyedman.net. (PHPsysinfo)

Employed at Georgia Southern 1988-2008. Thanks for all the fish!

The content of personal and other unofficial home pages is not sanctioned by Georgia Southern University and does not represent official information
or opinions of the University. Open file this side up. HTML tags to be removed by the end user only. Sorry I couldn't get this print any smaller.

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