
Hyperabstracting my scholarship

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A toot on Mastodon alerted me to a web tool (created by Ryan Morin at Simon Fraser University) for generating word clouds based on one's Google Scholar citations. It has been a long time since I did much scholaring, and I had in fact never heard of Google Scholar. This did not stop me from setting up a profile and running the tool. Here is the preliminary result:

Figure 1.1. Word cloud generated from Google Scholar

Google scholar informs me that, by far, my most cited work is an article I didn't actually write, Effects of attire, alcohol, and gender on perceptions of date rape. I am generously credited alongside the real author, sociologist Trent Maurer of Georgia Southern University, because I wrote the software for the study's online student survey, and then helped with editing the paper. This involvement is reflected in the word cloud especially in the prominent "alcohol" in the middle of things.

I will tweak the settings a bit and see if I can come up with something better reflecting the fields I was officially working in – James Joyce, East German literature, etc. However, I'll be sad to downplay my most impressive statistic.
